
This week was a busy week. Work was so busy that the IT security lead cancelled all our meetings on Friday and told us to get "caught up". This week I celebrated my fifty-fifth birthday. I rented the upstairs space from Flounder Brewing, Bhavna and I picked up food from Annie's Hot on D Spot Roti Shop, and I invited family and friends to celebrate with me. It was fun but the preparations left little time for photography and the Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #174: Shapes and Designs.

The best I could do was photograph dead leaves in the early morning frost.

20 November, 2021 | FujiFilm X-T3 | XF16-55mmF2.8 R LM WR
20 November, 2021 | FujiFilm X-T3 | XF16-55mmF2.8 R LM WR
20 November, 2021 | FujiFilm X-T3 | XF16-55mmF2.8 R LM WR
20 November, 2021 | FujiFilm X-T3 | XF16-55mmF2.8 R LM WR

Sunday Reading

According to Greg Morris, the solution to shitty yellow journalism on the internet is more journalism.

Anyone with access to the internet and publication skills now has an unnatural reach around the globe. Shifting power to everyday people by giving them access to unlimited information, but very few filters on the actual information available.

CyberSN, a job and career resource website on information security, claims many professionals are quitting their jobs even as demand for our talent increases. In this post, Combating the Great Resignation with Great Retention, they explain what's happening.

What is the Great Resignation?

For 20 years, from 2000 to 2020, the US resignation rate never surpassed 2.4% of the total workforce. During the height of the pandemic in April 2020, the quit rate plummeted to just 1.6%, with employees plunged into lockdown and either unable to job hunt or laid off by employers. As the pandemic continued into 2021, the number of resignations has been steadily climbing, reaching 2.9% in August 2021, the highest on record. Tech is one of the hardest hit industries, with resignations increasing by 4.5%.

Why are professionals growing restless?

Many are attributing this employee exodus to the pandemic shifting priorities in both our lives and careers, with professionals delaying transitioning out of their roles until the pandemic eased, requiring more flexibility or better work-life balance. Half of the professionals surveyed in ISACA’s State of Cybersecurity Report felt that cyber employees are leaving their current jobs due to lack of promotion opportunities and poor financial incentives, with 40% also blaming high-stress levels at work. Stress amongst cybersecurity teams is common, with 91% of CISOs stating that they suffer from moderate or high stress and 57% of employees currently in a burnout state.

We are running on fumes.

Buildings and Other Physical Structures

I had plans to capture some new images for the Lens-Artists Challenge #173, Interesting Architecture. I had the day off for Veterans Day so in the afternoon I drove out to Mountain View Road and into Princeton to capture some images. I captured a few more images while I was in Rocky Hill getting a bacon egg and cheese sandwich for breakfast. When I downloaded the images to my Mac, I realised I had made a mistake. I had somehow set the camera to record only JPG images. Argh!?

I am not in a good mood. The sun has disappeared behind an all-grey sky and the weather forecast for the remainder of the day is for heavy rains with 40-50mph winds. Saturday and Sunday are the only two days when I can shoot during daylight. I started doing it so I could get out of the house and do something creative. But it's not fun if I'm rushing to capture images on the weekend. I think I may have to give up on the idea of capturing new images each week for the Lens-Artists Challenge.

I think I have enough images in my catalogue to offer a varied display of architecture for this week's challenge but I don't want to be in a habit of posting older images from my Adobe Lightroom catalogue. It's boring.

Princeton School of Public and International Affairs | Monday 28 September, 2020 | Day 190 | FujiFilm X-T2 | XF16-55mmF2.8 R LM WR | f/11 | ISO 200

I may have posted this before but I love this short essay,_The Way The Camera Sees_, by David du Chemin. I find his words so inspiring without of that "film is better because it slows me down" or "SOOC get it right in camera" or "prime lens only" that some photographers seem to push.

The hardest job of the photographer is not the making of pictures. It’s not the pushing of buttons. It isn’t even being aware and having open eyes and an open mind—it’s more.

The hardest job of the photographer is seeing the way the camera sees.

That one realization—that the camera sees, or can see, much differently than we do—has probably helped my understanding of making photographs more than anything else.

We do not see the same way the camera sees; thinking the camera sees like we do will make you frustrated and wondering why your photographs don’t look the way you wanted them to.


We see in three dimensions, but the camera sees in only two, so our choices of where we stand with the camera (in combination with the choice of focal length) will affect a much different look than we could achieve with our own eyes.

The Vessel at Hudson Yards
The Vessel at Hudson Yards | Saturday 12 June, 2021 | FujiFilm X-T2 | XF16-55mmF2.8 R LM WR @ 16 mm | 180 sec at f/5.6 | ISO 500

In his essay in The Atlantic, The Rotting Internet Is a Collective Hallucination, Jonathan Zittrain writes how the decentralized nature of the World Wide Web has had an unintended consequence on information permanence, especially as it relates to legal and academic documents.

As far back as 2001, a team at Princeton University studied the persistence of web references in scientific articles, finding that the raw number of URLs contained in academic articles was increasing but that many of the links were broken, including 53 percent of those in the articles they had collected from 1994. Thirteen years later, six researchers created a data set of more than 3.5 million scholarly articles about science, technology, and medicine, and determined that one in five no longer points to its originally intended source. In 2016, an analysis with the same data set found that 75 percent of all references had drifted.
So far, the rise of the web has led to routinely cited sources of information that aren't part of more formal systems; blog entries or casually placed working papers at some particular web address have no counterparts in the pre-internet era. But surely anything truly worth keeping for the ages would still be published as a book or an article in a scholarly journal, making it accessible to today's libraries, and preservable in the same way as before? Alas, no.
Into that gap has entered material that's born digital, offered by the same publishers that would previously have been selling on printed matter. But there's a catch: These officially sanctioned digital manifestations of material have an asterisk next to their permanence. Whether it's an individual or a library acquiring them, the purchaser is typically buying mere access to the material for a certain period of time, without the ability to transfer the work into the purchaser's own chosen container. This is true of many commercially published scholarly journals, for which "subscription" no longer signifies a regular delivery of paper volumes that, if canceled, simply means no more are forthcoming. Instead, subscription is for ongoing access to the entire corpus of journals hosted by the publishers themselves. If the subscription arrangement is severed, the entire oeuvre becomes inaccessible.

My blog is 18 years old. I have older articles that link to websites or content that no longer exists. It's a problem. I considered whether my link to Jonathan's essay would suffer from "link rot" ten years from now.

But more importantly, I worry about the impermanence of documents related to precedence setting case law. Can we live in a world where restricted access to legal documents based on the ability to pay to see them could have consequences for personal legal defence?

The Vessel at Hudson Yards | Saturday 12 June, 2021 | FujiFilm X-T2 | XF16-55mmF2.8 R LM WR @ 16 mm | 1170 sec at f/16 | ISO 400

I discovered a post by Sabrina Zeidan on how to serve scaled images in WordPress to speed up a website. I applied the techniques Sabrina outlined in the article and immediately improved the performance of my website. The Regenerate Thumbnails plugin is still processing thousands of images but when I tested in GTmetrix some blog posts loaded noticeably faster.

This post will help you to fix this issue for:

existing images
for images that will be uploaded later on
both for mobile and for desktop
for different pages on your website, not only for that one that you’ve tested in GTmetrix

Comcast Center
Comcast Center | FujiFilm X-T2 | XF16-55mmF2.8 R LM WR @ 16 mm | f/5.6 | ISO200

I thoroughly enjoyed this essay by Lennox Honychurch - The Kalinago Fight for Oüaladli and Oüahómoni: A Clash of Cultures over Possession of Antigua and Barbuda. I grew up in an ethnically and racially mixed family. I celebrated Christmas like a French catholic, ate a diet that mixed native Kalinago, African, Indian, Spanish, French cuisine and spoke both the Queen’s English and local creole. From the article, it seems that a pattern of cultural absorption may have been inherited from the Kalinago people.

If this absorption of other ethnic groups into their kinship system was a considered strategy, it would have been a continuation of the pattern active at the time of the first encounter when Kalinagos appear to have been taking wives from other groups and integrating men into their kinship network. In any case, by co-opting people of other ethnic groups into their communities during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, in the face of their own demographic decline, they were able to continue to pursue cultural practices that had been reliant on large-scale cooperative action. The clearing of land, cultivation of crops, the processing of foodstuffs, manning of canoes and construction of shelters were activities which required teamwork and which were severely threatened by the pressures exerted by colonisation on their reduced numbers.


The Lens-Artists Challenge #171 is all about the weird stuff we can find around us. I consulted the Weird NJ website and found some weird things about New Jersey. But given the expected weather for the weekend, a trip out of town seemed ill-advised. So I decided to do something much, much closer to home.

It's almost a year since I have dabbled with macro photography. Until I purchased the Fujinon MCEX-16 extension tube, I last did any macro photography in the spring of 2020 when I rented an XF80mmF2.8 R LM OIS WR Macro lens. It was almost two years since I switched to Fuji, and when I rented the XF80mmF2.8 R LM OIS WR, I had forgotten the technique of focus stacking. I failed to maximise the potential of that lens when I was out in the field photographing spring wildflowers. Before that rental, I last did any significant macro photography work during a water droplet macro photography workshop with Don Komarechka in 2017. Don's course taught me some handy tips and techniques. My first attempt at focus stacking for macro photography was because of Don's 2015 blog post. Back then, I did not have a dedicated macro lens, and my technique involved using macro extension tubes and a macro rail or shooing handheld with a Lensbaby Composer. Most of my knowledge returned during the week after I started using the Fujinon MCEX-16.

At first, I tried shooting handheld and on a tripod, but I didn't like the results. I opened the aperture too wide, and the first image's depth of field (DOF) was too narrow. When I stopped the aperture down to f/8, I got a better depth of field, but the images were so dark that I had to increase the ISO to 6400. There is a lot of noise in the images. What I wanted was a way to increase the depth of field while shooting at low ISO.

Monday 25 October, 2021 | FujiFilm X-T3 | XF27mmF2.8 | 1125 sec at f/2.8 | ISO 5000
Monday 25 October, 2021 | FujiFilm X-T3 | XF27mmF2.8 | 160 sec at f/8.0 | ISO 10000

This week I experimented with the focus bracketing feature of the Fujifilm X-T3 and focus-stacking the images in software. At first, I fell back on the Adobe Photoshop techniques I learned in Don's workshop. I focus bracketed about 40-50 images and attempted to export and align them in the most recent version of Adobe Photoshop CC. However, I soon realised that my 2013 iMac was not up to the task. Photoshop struggled to auto-align the images even after several hours. In 2017, the 2013 iMac quickly processed the 16-megapixel photos from my Nikon D5100. But it seems my iMac's 3.5 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7 CPU, 32 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 RAM, and NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M 4 GB GPU are no match for much larger 26-megapixel images from my Fujifilm X-T3. I tried all weekend to process these images. Late last night, I remembered trying other software to process and focus stack my picture. After a quick Google search, I rediscovered Zerene Stacker, which I had first used with the macro rail technique.

The Zerene Stacker Adobe Lightroom plugin imported, auto-aligned, and stacked the image in several minutes, typically six minutes or less. Zerene Stacker has two stacking methods, PMax and DMap, which produce slightly different results. I ran both methods on my images and compared the results, but I didn't see much difference. I won't try to explain them here. The Zerene Stacker website has the details.

The images were a bit dark. I needed more light, but larger apertures would have reduced the DOF of each focus slice. I had set the Fuji X-T3 to capture 50 images adjusting the focal point from near to far in steps of 10, but I think I should have used an off-camera flash for additional lighting and captured one hundred images in steps 10 with a 3-second pause between each capture.

I don't know if this entry meets the criteria for weird, but given that I don't normally see objects at this level, it may be.

Wednesday 27 October, 2021 | FujiFilm X-T3 | XF16-55mmF2.8 R LM WR @ 55 mm | 0.5 sec at f/8.0 | ISO 160
Wednesday 27 October, 2021 | FujiFilm X-T3 | XF16-55mmF2.8 R LM WR @ 55 mm | 0.3 sec at f/8.0 | ISO 160

Sunday Reading

Cycling event photographer Steve Thomas writes about going beyond imitation to unleash "The Essence & Value of Originality".

During the past 20 months of the pandemic, I’ve been extremely restricted in terms of photographic opportunities. Not being able to shoot my regular action material and being confined to a small area has forced me (or rather I should say encouraged me) to go out and to shoot the same few scenes over and over again, and to try and do something different with it each time.

This is something that I would recommend any photographer do (but maybe not for this long), no matter your chosen genre or experience level. Wrapping yourself up in something that you’d perhaps never even considered and then re-imagining it is a great creative learning exercise.

Professional photographer David du Chemin asks, Are You Using the “Right” Camera?, to which I respond, yes.

The best camera is not necessarily the one you have with you, though that helps, too. It’s the one that does the job you need it to do: no more, no less.

I did my due diligence, thought long and hard about what I wanted versus what I needed, and I understood the choices I was making when I decided to purchase my first Fuji X camera. I knew why I wanted the Fuji X-T2. I knew the advantages and disadvantages and I accepted them. Unless it breaks, my current Fuji camera will be my camera of choice for a very long time.

In Things I wish I hadn't bought, photographer Hugo Pinho looks back at his photographic purchase history and writes about purchases he regrets and what he has learned along the way,

Many of these bad decisions and things that I regret buying are mistakes that we can only learn with time and experience. And some purchases I can't correctly define as a mistake because our needs change, evolve, and certain items stop making sense.

I have not bought a new digital camera since 2006. All subsequent digital cameras (replaced due to too many drops) were purchased pre-owned from KEH or MPB (never eBay). Unless I break the current one (X-T3), I expect to own it until it no longer functions.

I, too, have made many amateurish errors when purchasing accessories such as memory cards, batteries, backpacks, etc.

Putting cheap memory cards or batteries into a digital camera is like putting cheap tyres on your car. Something is sure to go wrong. When a cheaply made tyre wears out quickly and explodes, it can wreck your car as easily as a cheap exploding battery wreck a camera.

The first camera backpack I bought (2010) was also the last. Getting gear in and out of the pack was a hassle, especially while photo-walking in a city where the only place to put it is on a dirty sidewalk. Ugh! I switched to a sling camera strap, and honestly, I can't imagine returning to another option.

I put much effort into choosing lenses when I switched to Fuji several years ago. I analysed my Lightroom catalogue to guide my purchase decision. When I had my Nikon, I had three lenses; an AF-S DX Nikkor 35mm f/1.8 G, an AF-S DX 85mm f/1.8 G, and a Tokina 11-16mm zoom. I used the 35mm and the Tokina much more often than the 85mm but rarely used the 11mm end of the Tokina.

For my Fuji, I have two lenses. The XF16-55mmF2.8 R LM WR weighs less and needs less space than the combination of the XF16mm, XF35mm and XF50mm primes and covers the "standard range" of those primes. The XF27mmF2.8 is a lightweight lens for street photography and photo walks. Those two lenses cover most of what I need to do. I occasionally rent the XF100-400mm for a bird photography workshop.

Greg Morris wrote in his blog post, My Blog Is An Extension Of Me.

I go backwards and forwards about what I want gr36.com to be. Over the years it has been a portfolio of sorts, an attempt at being a news website, a podcast host and lots of things in between. Nowadays it’s decidedly more amateur and more of an extension of me that evolves over time depending on what I am up to and an extension of me.

I don’t even have a ‘thing’ I want to write about. Most people seem to have an issue or a cause, or even an interest they want to cover all the ins and outs of. I loosely revolve around technology but expand into all sorts of areas that interest me, but I guess that's the point a personal blog should be an extension of the person hitting the publish button.

My blog, this blog is over 18 years old. It started as a tech blog where I wrote about security testing, Linux system administration, open-source, and web development. It became a blog about my early experience living with type 1 diabetes. It then morphed once more into its current state as a photography-related blog. I don’t know what’s next for me or this blog, but I do know it will continue to reflect my interests and thoughts.