The Graceful Flavor is back!

I've enjoyed Jeff's reasoned (and provocative) opinions on technology and politics in the past.  I'm happy he's back.

Thanks to Andrés Segovia and a few other strangely loyal GF fans, I realized that I should start writing GF again. I personally want to think Andrés for being so persistent; had he not, I might be still arguing with people on Facebook instead of writing here. So, Andrés, thanks a ton, you magnificent pain in the ass. ~ Jeff Ventura

Robert Reich (The Perfect Storm)

The perfect storm: An unprecedented concentration of income and wealth at the top; a record amount of secret money flooding our democracy; and a public becoming increasingly angry and cynical about a government that’s raising its taxes, reducing its services, and unable to get it back to work.

I'm certainly starting to feel hopeless — and powerless — about my future. Or maybe Robert's writings are just stoking my fear.

Lazy Sunday links

Stuff I found while futzing around

House Passes Bill with No Immunity for Phone Companies | Electronic Frontier Foundation

This morning, the House stood up for our rights and passed a FISA reform bill with no retroactive immunity for phone companies!


A User’s Guide to Fabulous Friendships

Advice on friendships.


Martian Headsets - Joel on Software

Why web standards are anything but.


Google Code Blog: How we improved performance on Google Code

Tips on reducing load time of code elements for high performance web sites.

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.mac vs. web 2.0

Kerim Friedman compares .mac to free web 2.0 alternatives and finds .mac lacking.

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Jockeying for position is over: Time for the U.S. mobile industry to innovate | last100

The jockeying for position is over. It’s time for the U.S. carriers, the world’s handset manufacturers, and third-party application developers to innovate the mobile wireless ...

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PicApp - the best content for the best publishers

Free Photos for use on your blog.

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You Weren't Meant to Have a Boss

Why working for the man sucks ass.


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