The Graceful Flavor is back!

I've enjoyed Jeff's reasoned (and provocative) opinions on technology and politics in the past.  I'm happy he's back.

Thanks to Andrés Segovia and a few other strangely loyal GF fans, I realized that I should start writing GF again. I personally want to think Andrés for being so persistent; had he not, I might be still arguing with people on Facebook instead of writing here. So, Andrés, thanks a ton, you magnificent pain in the ass. ~ Jeff Ventura


Graceful Flavor writer, Jeff Ventura was kind enough to send me an invite to the beta of Skitch from plasq.  Thanks Jeff.  The software is mundane; it's screen capture software but the execution make it exciting.  The software is simple to use, supports a multitude of file formats (PNG, PDF, and JPG among them).  It even comes with a 3 minute video tutorial. It supports Flickr and the skitch web site for file hosting.