Blue ring

As a treat for earning the Bronze, the leader of Kiran's Girl Scout troop invite the girls and their parents to spend the day at their lake house near Lake Wallenpaupauck. It was very peaceful and while the kids did their thing I took the time to catch up on my reading. I also did a fair bit of walking around outside near the lake – taking photographs.

I read about a new product called the [Jawbone Up]( It's a little blue ring that, like my Fitbit, measures the physical activity of the wearer. I bought my Fitbit just a few weeks ago but it already feels outdated compared to the Up. My Fitbit works well enough. It measures my activity even while I'm sleeping and transfers data wireless to a docking station connected to my iMac. That's both a benefit and a limitation. The previous model, my wife has that one, required the user to connect the Fitbit to the dock to transfer information. I keep ,y Fitbit clipped to my belt during the day. I use a special wristband to store the Fitbit do that it can acquire information about my sleep cycle.

>The monitoring system focuses on three key health areas: Exercise and general activity; sleep amounts and sleep cycles; food tracking. (via [GigaOm](

The Up has similar features. The Up is a ring that the user wears as a bracelet. It's always on. No need for a clip. The other cool thing is that it may come in various colors. I like that blue. But, the Up biggest selling point for me I this:

>Up uses a standard 3.5 millimeter headphone jack to transfer data to a complementary iPhone application.

Sweet! A bio sensor that can sync real time data to my iPhone and correlate that with up to date blood glucose readings and food?

Go Blue! every Friday

I hope fans of the University of Michigan and fellow alums don't mind that I've borrowed the Michigan Wolverines fan cheer. It's diabetes awareness month and in the spirit of "blue" - a blue ring is a colour chosen to represent diabetes awareness - I'll be writing a series of blog posts about diabetes and diabetes-related projects.

"Go Blue!" is what the fans shout when they want to show their support and encouragement to the Wolverines. It says we are fighting with you. It's what I use internally when I feel down about how diabetes has affected my health and my life. Today, and every Friday until November 14th, "Go Blue!" with your outfit to show support for people living with diabetes.

I was honoured to have the privilege of contributing a few seconds of video for the Blue Friday video created by Cherise Shockley and Diabetes Social Media Advocacy.

The news is blue

A few weeks ago I visit my endocrinologist for a full blood panel and today I visited my primary care physician for a physical and to review the blood panel report. I'm not happy. Apparently I've been avoiding exercise for too long – but I knew that – and eating too much fatty food – I knew that too. But I didn't gain any weight which means I'm eating just the right amount of calories for my mostly sedentary lifestyle.

After talking with my doctor I realize that I must make some changes. My LDL cholesterol level are elevated (187) and although my HDL levels are just fine (meaning they are high) my overall [cholesterol]( is 255 – 15 points over the threshold for safety. We have reason to be worried. High cholesterol and diabetes are a bad combination.

> Diabetes can upset the balance between HDL and LDLcholesterol levels. People with diabetes tend to have LDL particles that stick to arteries and damage blood vessel walls more easily. (via [WebMD](

One of the changes I'm going to have to make – and the one that bothers me the most – is that I've been prescribed a statin, Pravachol. I've read the side effect and I'm none too happy. Fortunately my physician thinks that I may be able to come off it fairly quickly if I aggressively pursue some cardiovascular exercise.

Exercise! I've got to get off my ass and do something. I've got an elliptical machine in the basement. Time to dust it off (literally) and get back to health.