If we allow our kids to drive without the necessary steps met before they get their license, mistakes will occur and accidents will happen. The same is true for social media sites like Facebook. It’s when we give them those keys to Facebook too young, without social media driver’s ed, that harm occurs — their privacy is compromised, a permanent digital footprint made, cyber-bullying takes place or inappropriate content posted.

This isn’t about parental choice and allowing kids to play games. This is about a large social media site wanting more users for their financial model to work out. Keep in mind that the ones pushing this plan are often on the Facebook payroll and have no background in child health and development.

Gwenn Schurgin O’Keeffe, MD: Kids Under 13 on Facebook? Not So Fast!

Apple TV

But rather that putting Apple software directly into the TV, they are bringing your existing Apple devices and applications to the TV set without requiring you to buy a new TV monitor. In short, the iPhone and iPad in your pocket or handbag is the next-generation TV set-top box, and it is both highly personal and highly social and capable of bringing hundreds of thousands and soon millions of rich interactive applications and experiences onto your TV set.The iPhone and iPad as Next-Generation TV Computers

Learn to scratch your own itch

I look at the world around me and feel almost disgusted by the entrenched defaultism that I see everywhere. For instance, when the internet came along there was a sense of liberation from the passivity of watching television. We learnt to talk back. We learnt to create our own blogs and express ourselves as opposed to merely imbibing the thoughts of others in a mass daily dose of benign hypnosis. Clay Shirky informed us about the great cognitive surplus that would result from being so freed. And yet here we all are – facebook members all – allowing one site to define the structure of our social relationships. Yes we can comment. Yes we can poke. It’s more than television allowed. But it’s the whole world still watching one tube, one interface – just as it was before. As always we accept the tools on offer without ever questioning whether or not our desires and needs extend beyond it.

Many of you can’t imagine this because you’ve never had the experience of having your desires open out in the sort of way I mean. The way the interfaces with which you interact constrain your awareness of those desires, because as far as you are concened – they exist outside the realm of [imagination]. ~ Source Dan Haggard