
Tradition however is also used as an excuse to preserve privilege; which highlights the greatest flaw of tradition: it cannot justify itself. Tradition employed for it’s own sake is only to do so because it was always done so; ignorant of refinement, ignorant of progress, ignorant of learning and development. If anything, traditions should be challenged each time they are observed to ensure that they still bring meaning and benefit to our lives — however ephemeral or insubstantial that benefit may seem. David Dennis

This is one reason I sometimes cringe when I hear some people use the word tradition while doing something that excludes a person or a group of people. I see how the word "tradition" is used to justify religious, sexual and racial bigotry.

Snoopy -- view source for mobile Safari

Snoopy is a bookmarklet for snooping on web pages. It's intended for use on mobile browsers (such as Mobile Safari on the iPad) where you can't view-source to poke around under the hood of sites to see how they're built. You might find it useful for your desktop browser, too. Mark Perkins

I discovered this excellent solution while helping a friend solve a CSS problem with his website. We were at the client's office and unable to access his site due to the client's web filter restrictions. So we pulled up his website on my iPad but couldn't view the source to see what might be causing the issue. Snoopy helped a great deal.

Before They Pass Away

Putting aside a successful career, British photographer Jimmy Nelson embarked on a treacherous, lengthy journey to document the last remaining indigenous people of the world. From the thick, wet Amazon rain forests of Ecuador to the frigid tundras of Siberia, Nelson sought out and spent significant time with each native culture, grasping a genuine understanding of their lives and traditions. Shot with a 50-year-old plate film camera, Before They Pass Away is a poignant chronicle of heritage and humanity that threatens to be lost forever.Jenna Garrett

His images are beautiful! Check them out.