Flounder Brewing Co's Ghosts of Hop Cones

I am drinking a Ghosts of Hop Cones by Flounder Brewing Co.

I am in Flounder Brewing Co, drinking Ghosts of Hop Cones by Flounder Brewing Co. Flounder Brewing Co is a Micro Brewery in Hillsborough, NJ. Ghosts of Hop Cones beer style is IPA - Imperial / Double New England, with an ABV of 8.1% and IBU of 0. I gave Ghosts of Hop Cones a 3.75 on Untappd's 5 point rating system.

Brewer's notes

A 3-barrel brewery in Hillsborough, NJ brewing unique, quality beer in small batches. Open Thursday-Sunday for tastings, pints and growler fills.

Entry created on Zapier time: 2018-08-30T20:21:07-04:00