Fujifilm Film Simulation Challenge Roll 9 : Fujicolor Superia 800

For the ninth episode of the Film Simulation Challenge, I chose Ritchie's Fujicolor Superia 800 Simulation Recipe. The goal of the challenge is to use the same settings for 24 or 36 exposures to simulate shooting a roll of film. Ritchie's intention for this particular film simulation recipe is to imitate the look of Fujicolor Pro 400H film.

I've never used this film, so I'll let Ritchie give you his overview of Fujicolor Superia 800 film.

Fujicolor Pro 800Z was a good indoor portrait film. It had muted colors, low contrast, a very slight yellow cast, accurate skin tones, and fine grain (for ISO 800 film). It was quite popular among wedding and event photographers. For low-light pictures of people, it was the best option. I used it a few times.

Fujicolor Superia 800 was a better film choice for things other than portraits. Of the two films, it had more color saturation, more contrast, a green cast, less accurate skin tones and more grain. It was the more bold, gritty, punchy choice of the two. Not that it was particularly wild (because it wasn’t), but Pro 800Z, while it could be beautiful, was especially bland (which is why it was good for pictures of people). I used Superia 800 a lot more frequently than Pro 800Z.

I wanted to imitate the feeling of shooting a roll of film. I photographed all of the images at f/5.6 and ISO800. At that ISO and aperture, I was able to keep my shutter speed enough to ensure I got sharp photos.

The photographs below are all straight-out-of-camera JPEGs captured using my Fujifilm X-T2, Fujinon XF27mmF2.8 at the Blooms at Belle Mead Garden Center in Montgomery Township which has a large greenhouse, with sunlight filtering through a white taupe. I photographed these images on the same day I shot pictures for the Fujifilm Film Simulation Challenge Roll 7: Fujicolor Pro 400H.

I need to experiment more with this particular film simulation and perhaps try an actual roll of Fujicolor Superia 800 in my Pentax ES II. The photographs below are all straight-out-of-camera JPEGs captured using my Fujifilm X-T2, Fujinon XF27mmF2.8. If you want to see my RAW edits, I have another blog post detailing my trip.

I love how this film simulation recipe renders the greens in the foliage. I think I will test out this recipe on my next hike.

Blooms at Belle Mead | Saturday 20 June, 2020 | FujiFilm X-T2 | XF27mmF2.8 | Fujicolor Superia 800 Film Simulation
Blooms at Belle Mead | Saturday 20 June, 2020 | FujiFilm X-T2 | XF27mmF2.8 | Fujicolor Superia 800 Film Simulation
Blooms at Belle Mead | Saturday 20 June, 2020 | FujiFilm X-T2 | XF27mmF2.8 | Fujicolor Superia 800 Film Simulation
Blooms at Belle Mead | Saturday 20 June, 2020 | FujiFilm X-T2 | XF27mmF2.8 | Fujicolor Superia 800 Film Simulation
Blooms at Belle Mead | Saturday 20 June, 2020 | FujiFilm X-T2 | XF27mmF2.8 | Fujicolor Superia 800 Film Simulation
Blooms at Belle Mead | Saturday 20 June, 2020 | FujiFilm X-T2 | XF27mmF2.8 | Fujicolor Superia 800 Film Simulation
Blooms at Belle Mead | Saturday 20 June, 2020 | FujiFilm X-T2 | XF27mmF2.8 | Fujicolor Superia 800 Film Simulation
Blooms at Belle Mead | Saturday 20 June, 2020 | FujiFilm X-T2 | XF27mmF2.8 | Fujicolor Superia 800 Film Simulation
Blooms at Belle Mead | Saturday 20 June, 2020 | FujiFilm X-T2 | XF27mmF2.8 | Fujicolor Superia 800 Film Simulation
Blooms at Belle Mead | Saturday 20 June, 2020 | FujiFilm X-T2 | XF27mmF2.8 | Fujicolor Superia 800 Film Simulation

100 Days To Offload

52 Week Smartphone Challenge : Week 27 : Gratitude

What are you grateful for? Show us.

TheOnlyD800intheHameau is grateful for these eyes.

I am grateful that I found a photography project that allows me to contribute to a community project.

Submitted as part of my 52 Week Smartphone Challenge

52 Week Smartphone Challenge : Week 26 : Geometry

We live in a world surrounded by geometry. Use Geometry in your photo this week.

I admit that the 52 Week Smartphone Challenge was lost from my schedule over the last several weeks. I think I was suffering from creative burn-out. Between my daily Isolation Photography Projet, daily iPhone Project, this weekly project, I believe I have over-extended myself. Then in the last few weeks, I added the Barns, Bridges and Buildings project. It was all too much, and something had to give.

Yesterday I visited the WordPress Reader page for the project, saw that theonlyd800inthehameau was continuing to post. I felt like such a failure.

So in the next few posts, I will be back posting any images that may fit the theme; as many as I can to salvage my involvement in my project.

Check out theonlyd800inthehameau's entry.

The iPhone 11 Pro has a very useable panorama mode that is easy to use and produces excellent results; most of the time. This image was captured in the late evening in my sister-in-law's backyard. It's a complete failure in regards to geometry. The iPhone 11 Pro has a night vision mode that works fairly well. However, the night vision mode is not available when shooting panoramas. Distortion and issues with the panoramic stitching algorithm also contributed to making this a poor image.

Submitted as part of my 52 Week Smartphone Challenge