Will I Buy the Fujifilm X-T5?

The Fuji X-T1 was released in 2014 to celebrate Fujifilm’s 80th anniversary, but the X-T1 (and X-E1) led to a mirrorless camera revolution. As someone who was never satisfied with the design elements of popular DLSR cameras, I immediately understood a design similar to the classic 35mm SLR camera could have its advantages and be more of a flexible, all-around camera. And that’s precisely what the X-T series became for me.

The X-T4 was released when the X-T3 was just over a year old, but the X-T3 sales continued to be strong. I was not too fond of the flip-out style LCD on the X-T4. I don’t take selfies, and I don’t make videos. I was not too fond of the focus on video features. I hated almost everything about the X-T4. The X-T3 was Fujifilm’s top-selling camera of all time. It was only recently discontinued.

On 2 November, Fujifilm announced the X-T5, the latest iteration of their X-T line of cameras. Based on what I have read, the X-T5 will be a hit with photographers like me. To me, the X-T5 is a return to the original design intent of the X-T1, a digital camera inspired by the designs of a classic top-end 35mm film SLR.

I print my images poster size. The 26 megapixels in my X-T3 can get the job done (I use the Raw Details or Super Resolution feature in Adobe Lightroom), but the 40 megapixels in the X-T5 will mean that I don’t have to use software to compensate.

During the Spring, I take a lot of bird photographs, especially of migratory Warblers. It remains to be seen if the faster focus of the X-T5 will improve focus on the lenses, namely the XF100-400mmF4.5-5.6 R LM OIS WR and XF150-600mmF5.6-8 R LM OIS WR. Any improvement in focusing speed will help with photographing fast-moving birds. The addition of IBIS also helps but isn’t crucial. I have very steady hands.

I don’t need or want the battery pack. I’m not too fond of the bulk.

I "Just got to have Nostalgic Negative", though. 🙂

I will upgrade from my X-T3. Ritchie Roesch already preordered his. I will be spending $1700 minus whatever I sell my X-T3 for.

Read some first impressions from photographers I trust.

But whatever technical features a camera has, means nothing if it’s not a piece of gear that you WANT to pick up and shoot with. The X-T5 stays true to the heritage of the X-T line, maybe even more than its predecessor, the X-T4. The classic dials, the sturdy but compact body and the elegant lines inspire me to shoot more and better. ~ Bert Stephani

... while still photography and video have, for all intents and purposes, merged these past years, filming remains a craft that, ultimately, requires its own set of dedicated features and tools. With the recent X-H2S, Fujifilm has created exactly that kind of no-compromise, hybrid shooter.

And now, the X-T5 gets to reclaim its soul. ~ Patrick La Roque

I expect Jonas Rask to do his usual "long read" experience report soon.

Fuji Simulation Recipe Failure

One of those situations where the film simulation recipe is a disaster and why I consistently capture an RAF image.

Agfa Optima 200 Recipe | 23 July, 2022 | FujiFilm X-T3 | XF27mmF2.8 R WR

Here are the JPEG exports of the original RAW images captured using the Provia film simulation.

23 July, 2022 | FujiFilm X-T3 | XF27mmF2.8 R WR
23 July, 2022 | FujiFilm X-T3 | XF27mmF2.8 R WR

Fuji X Weekly Film Recipes App

The Fuji X Weekly Film Recipes iPhone app is up on the App Store.

Photographer Ritchie Roesch has developed a reputation among Fuji X camera owners for his JPEG film simulation recipes. Even Fujifilm have noticed. Ritchie has spent hours analysing film prints, negatives and slides to create film simulation recipes that mimic the look of various 35mm film stocks such as Kodachrome and Fuji Velvia.

Ritchie has documented all of these film simulations on his web site, organising them by sensor type. There are recipes for almost every model of Fuji X camera.

Yesterday, photographer Ritchie Roesch, released his brand new Fuji X Weekly Film Recipes app for iPhone that seeks to make those recipes easily accessible from your pocket camera.

Fuji X Weekly — Film Recipes is a free app that gives you access to over 100 Film Simulation Recipes for Fujifilm X cameras! These JPEG settings allow you to get various looks straight out of the camera, many based on film stocks, such as Kodachrome, Portra, Tri-X, Superia, Vista, and many more! If you have a Fujifilm X camera, there are Film Simulation Recipes in this app that are compatible with your gear—it's a great resource for Fujifilm X photographers!

Film Recipes App Filter Page
Film Recipes App Filter

As a fellow photographer, Ritchie Roesch has put a lot of work and thought into his iPhone app. Becoming a Patron unlocks additional features of the Film Recipes app including the ability to filter recipes by Camera or Sensor and well as create a list of favourites.

Film Recipes App Settings
Film Recipes App Settings

If this is your first time using film recipes on a Fuji X cameras, on the settings page for the app, Ritchie has provided a link to one of his articles to help get you started.

One thing that I really like about the app is that I can filter the recipes by the camera, by the sensor, by base simulation, or colour or black and white. The app is intuitive, and I quickly tagged my favourites; Ilford HP5 Plus, Portra 160, and Agfa Optima 200. Each recipe list all the settings needed to achieve that "look" and provide a text box at the end for personal notes.

Film Recipes Kodak Tri-X 400 Recipe
Film Recipes Kodak Tri-X 400 Recipe

As I mentioned before, the app is free to use, but becoming a patron unlocks additional features. The app is available for iOS only, but Ritchie promises to release an Android OS in the future.

Submitted for the 100DaysToOffload project.