Cloudy Days

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I knew it was supposed to be cloudy today but I didn't expect this. We had 100% cloud cover in this one section of New Jersey. Cloudy days provide subdued lighting; the kind one would get from a soft-box. It's can be quite useful for portraiture.

However today I would not have the opportunity for portraiture. The area where I work is not a good place for street photography of strangers. I'd likely get mugged and have my camera stolen.

This morning when I realized that I might not see the sun at all today, I did some research on Google. I found an article with some ideas on what I might do with the challenge nature presented to me today.

Colonial Lake in Lawrenceville, New Jersey is about 10 minutes from my office building in Ewing.

I made the best of the time, place and weather I had. I think the weather tomorrow is similar. I'll have to think of something new.

Day 3 of The 100 Day Project. Check out yesterday's photo.

Crocus at Sunset

I walked around the parking lot at the office looking for compelling images to capture for my photo of the day project. I found nothing of interest.

But then l came home, stepped out of the car and noticed the evening sunlight glowing off the tiny crocus growing in the front of the house that I knew I had my photo of the day. The crocus is considered a sure sign that spring is here. I am allergic to almost every North American plant, including grass. Despite my seasonal allergies, I love springtime. I can't wait for the trees buds to open, revealing the green hidden inside. I can hear the amphibians calling to each other at night, and it reminds me of the sweet air of the rains forests of the Caribbean.

This is the image for my second day of The 100 Day Project.

NOTE: You may have noticed that I started the 100 Day Project one day early. Why? I wrote on the Day 1 post that my family and I witnessed the beautiful evening light that filtered through the branches of the trees onto the red barn located behind the 1860 House in Skillman. I went back the next evening and was lucky enough to capture what I had seen the day before. I love the resulting image, so I decided to start a bit early.

Published via MarsEdit.

The Red Barn

This is Day 1 of The 100 Day Project.

Yesterday, after dinner at the Rocky Hill Inn, Bhavana and the kids wanted to take a walk. I encouraged them to try one of the trails I had "discovered" in our area. We had already visited the Van Horne Park trail so I suggested we try the Stonebridge Trail. We got there about an hour before sunset but it was cold and the entrance to the trail was blocked by a fallen tree. The kids started to complain and got back into the car. Bhavana and I got little ways down the trial before the cold wind turned us around toward the car. The sun was peeking through the trees creating shadows in the golden light that feel on the green of the barn. I snapped a photo with my iPhone. I liked the result so I decided to return the next day with my Nikon and a tripod. This was the result.

It's a three image HDR. The images were combined in Photomatix Pro but have very little processing.