Zion Crossing Park

After checking out the barn on Mountain View Road, I made my way to Zion Crossing Park on Hollow Road. The entrance and the gravel road were still covered in snow. My Acura had a bit of a dance on the snow as I tried to find a spot to park. Stepping out of the car, my sneakers plunged into the snow, which was so deep it came halfway up my calves. The pristine state of the snow hinted that I was the first to come this way.

I walked along the snow-covered bank of the Rock Brook, its waters moving gently beneath the canopy of barren trees towards the wading pool. The bright sunlight danced on the water’s surface, creating a sparkle that contrasted with the shadows of the trees.

The banks of the brook were lined with stones and rocks, some peeking out from their snowy blankets, while others lay hidden, waiting for the thaw. The snow seemed to glow, reflecting the light of the afternoon sun. The tall trees reached towards a clear winter blue sky.

Feeling the cold breeze I framed the shot. Time to go.

Author:Khürt Williams

A human who works in information security and enjoys photography, Formula 1 and craft ale.

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