Odd Webmention Behaviour

I see a bit of odd behaviour with Webmentions, Semantic Linkbacks and WordPress comments. There are five responses in this thread which started with a post from my blog that that was syndicated to micro.blog. Three of the responses show up under the original blog post. However, two show up under my Webmentions collection page.

I am not using the WordPress Webmention for Comments plugin.

It also seems that it's no longer possible to change the Webmention type via Semantic Linkbacks.


It's not odd behaviour after all.

Added limited support for accepting replies from external sites that do not have a Micro.blog account. Previously, Micro.blog would discard replies that could not be associated with an existing user. Now, these replies will be included in a thread using the domain name for the author. (Brid.gy replies from Twitter are not supported yet.) Manton Reece