The Red Barn

This is Day 1 of The 100 Day Project.

Yesterday, after dinner at the Rocky Hill Inn, Bhavana and the kids wanted to take a walk. I encouraged them to try one of the trails I had "discovered" in our area. We had already visited the Van Horne Park trail so I suggested we try the Stonebridge Trail. We got there about an hour before sunset but it was cold and the entrance to the trail was blocked by a fallen tree. The kids started to complain and got back into the car. Bhavana and I got little ways down the trial before the cold wind turned us around toward the car. The sun was peeking through the trees creating shadows in the golden light that feel on the green of the barn. I snapped a photo with my iPhone. I liked the result so I decided to return the next day with my Nikon and a tripod. This was the result.

It's a three image HDR. The images were combined in Photomatix Pro but have very little processing.