I liked it.

There is nothing particularly interesting about this image. I decided that morning that I wanted to go out and shoot in the Kingston section of the D&R canal. I grabbed my camera and as I walked toward my car I noticed the shadows and the greenery and how the red and the yellow of the yard equipment stood out. I took three bracketed images and combined them in Photomatix Pro with one of the Trey Ratcliff presets. I finished up in Adobe Lightroom 4.

What do you think?

January 26th, 2011 - Snow again!

Snow again today. I'm telecommuting from home again today. Like I did last week. And the week before that. I'm considering asking my Director to let me enroll in the full-time mobile worker program.

Last night the kids were excited at the prospect of another Snow Day. They were a little disappointed this morning to find out the school would be open. They remained a little hopeful that the snow would continue into the night. Maybe tomorrow will be a snow day for all of us.

Software: Adobe Lightroom 3, Photomatix Pro