A rugged tree root overgrown with patches of green moss

I was drawn to the beauty of nature's ground level.

I was drawn to the beauty of nature's ground level, emphasising the overlooked ecosystems underfoot and the cycles of growth and decay in nature.

In the foreground, the early morning light illuminates a rugged tree root overgrown with patches of green moss and clusters of thin, orange-brown grass-like growths. Colonies of this moss are growing all over the small stones and detritus on the southern side of Blue Spring Road. The out-of-focus background reveals the start of Autumn Hill Preserve, with bare trees and warm light casting through the branches. This photograph is from late autumn.

I used the new lens blur tool in Lightroom to enhance the shallow depth of field of the original iPhone 11 Pro image.

Autumn Hill Preserve Trail Head

Discovering the Autumn Hill Preserve Trail Head led to thoughts about the relevance of website analytics.

I just remembered about the Autumn Hill Preserve Trail Head on Blue Spring Road when I noticed it during one of my early morning walks. With the leaves and trees almost all gone, it was more visible. Seeing the sign for Autumn Hill Park got me thinking about the phrase, "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" which got me to think about "If a brilliant blog post is published to my website and no one reads it, does it matter?"

That got me thinking about my WordPress statistics and whether I need to look at or care about them. Like many, I am curious about who reads my content and what parts they find interesting. Ben Brooks seems to think website analytics are useless.

Whether people enjoyed your writing is all that really matters, and all that really should matter. Analytics can't tell you any of this. You can try to infer it, but people hate-read as much as they read something because they love it so anything you infer is likely wrong.

He has a point, and I will consider if I want to turn off or stop looking at my WordPress analytics.

Tip of the hat to @Pratik.