American Robin

The XF150-600mmF5.6-8 R LM OIS WR super telephoto lens I had ordered on a few weeks earlier had arrived, and I was itching to use it. I walked around Skillman Park looking for the early signs of Spring.

The XF150-600mmF5.6-8 R LM OIS WR super telephoto lens I had ordered on a few weeks earlier had arrived, and I was itching to use it. I walked around Skillman Park looking for the early signs of Spring. I hoped to find something exotic, but after thirty minutes of walking near Sylvan Lake's edge, I settled for whatever was possible.

Turdus migratorius, the American Robin, is a common migratory songbird in Skillman Park. During the breeding season, male American Robins have bright orange breasts and dark grey upper parts, while females have paler orange breasts and grey-brown upper legs. Both males and females have a white eye ring, a yellow bill, and a distinctive upright posture.

American Robins are known for their melodious song, a series of clear, flute-like notes. I typically see them foraging for food on lawns and in open fields, including my backyard. They use their keen eyesight to search for earthworms, insects, and other invertebrates.

This American Robins was perched on nearby tree branches after hopping across the grass for food. They mate in the area before migrating south for the winter.

Good Morning

More bird photos because that is the only thing I can photograph from my kitchen window because I'm at home, sick with a cold.

Confined to my kitchen's warmth, a miserable winter cold rendering me housebound, I found comfort in the winter ballet outside my window. I watched the snowflakes descend like a delicate waterfall through the pane, dressing the world in soft white. Then, amidst the calm flurry, a splash of orange disrupted the monochrome— an American Robin, fearless against the snow. It perched, undeterred by the chill, a tiny warrior in the frost. Capturing its resilience through my lens, I felt a kinship. In its steadfast presence, I found a reflection of my quiet determination to thrive despite the season's challenges.