Direct to E-Patient Marketing | 33 charts

Direct to E-Patient Marketing - 33 Charts by Dr. Bryan Vartabedian

Will the industry be required to publicly list monies used for sponsorship, travel and swag support of high profile patients in the social sphere?

Dr. Bryan Vartabedian presents some interesting questions about patient advocacy for the medical and health industry.

I’m not sure they will be required but I think they should. Whenever any kind of compensation is involved objectivity is ruined.  I think that even when the compensation is without expectation of reciprocity, the recipient often feels, because of cultural norms, obligated to respond in a positive way. We always feel the need to say “Thank You” whenever someone does something nice for us. It’s just the way we are trained.

Should high visibility patients who serve as stewards and advocates disavow themselves of contact with pharma just as many academic medical centres have begun?

In my opinion, this one is a lot more challenging. If my life has been saved by a drug or treatment I am more likely to recommend or endorse that treatment. It’s human nature. We want to share our experiences — positive or negative — and that’s a powerful thing. The trick is sometimes we think that everyone can benefit from doing things our way even if the facts don’t fit the situation and we may not even be aware that our objectivity had been compromised. We may think, “I’m recommending this because this IS the best thing, not because I like happen to like the owner or because they paid for my expenses.” If we stick to relating our own personal experience in it’s full context then I think it’s okay.

ZumoCast: What Remote Should Be

ZumoCast: What Remote Should Be - AppleMatters by Bakari Chavanu

Remote’s deficits are made crystal clear in comparison to a free app called ZumoCast, which streams your entire collection of video and music tracks on your computer to your iPhone, iPad, and web browser without the need to upload or sync.

I’ve been using ZumoCast for a few weeks and I love it. I installed it on my iMac and linked it to my iTunes media folder. I can stream video – television and movies – and my music to my iPad or iPhone 4 over the Wi-Fi or 3G cellular network. The video quality is much better over Wi-Fi and the 3G quality is ok on the iPhone 4. Not so much on the iPad.  Viewable but not stunning. Download and try ZumoCast – FREE.

Apple's segmentation strategy, and the folly of conventional wisdom - O'Reilly Radar

Apple's segmentation strategy, and the folly of conventional wisdom by Mark Sigal

… Apple’s product strategy is a study in market segmentation. Versus merely trying to stuff a product, burrito-style, with as many different features as possible, they target specific user experiences, and build the product around that accordingly.

Mark Sigal reveals what the “open” mobile industry can’t see. Read it all the way through.