2018-09-10 22.22.00

Tech geeks love numbers. When discussing computers, they speak of gigabits and gigahertz, of RAM and ports. The more tech-adept among them will even swap out the internals or write their own code. They are tinkerers extraordinaire and are just as happy customizing their rigs as they are in using their machines for their intended purposes, be it work or pleasure.

Then there’s everyone else.

Daily Kos: State of the Nation

reality distortion field at work

Fraser Speirs by Fraser Speirs (Fraser Speirs)

People talk about Steve Jobs’ reality distortion field, and I don’t disagree that the man has a quasi-hypnotic ability to convince. There’s another reality distortion field at work, though, and everyone that makes a living from the tech industry is within its tractor-beam. That RDF tells us that computers are awesome, they work great and only those too stupid to live can’t work them.