Google has the same problem today that Microsoft had 20 years ago

Steve Lohr, reporting for the New York Times on the Google-Skyhook legal issue:

“Google has the same problem today that Microsoft had 20 years ago, when Windows started to take off in the personal computer market,” said David B. Yoffie, a professor at the Harvard Business School. “It needs to maintain the integrity of its technology, and control it.”

via Daring Fireball

Thought I was hacked

Had a bit of a scare this morning while reading my feeds. I clicked on a link to the a New York Times article and was presented with this message:

So my first thought was I clicked on the wrong link. I tried it again and got the same message. Now I was worried. Was my MacBook hacked? Was my router compromised. I switched from NewNewsReader to Safari was able to get to the Apple web site. I then did a Google search on Patriot Media and DNS and found an entry on forum. Apparently the cable company had an issue with DNS early this morning for a short period of time. I was able to reset my router and things are now fine.