Duke Farms

In late January, I decided to get out to Duke Farms for some photography. It’s been a few years since my last visit. I needed to get outside. I tossed my Fuji X-T3 and Minolta XD-11 into my peak design camera bag and grabbed my tripod. there is a roll of Eastman Kodak Double-X 5222 400 in the XD-11 and I wanted to expose a few frames.

It was cold. When I stepped out of the car. I was sure I would be ok. I stopped at the waterfall near the north entrance. The water was frozen. I continued toward the abandoned 1917 Conservatory. I managed to expose just a few more frames before the biting cold became unbearable. My fingers felt number.

I called it quits and turned to walk back to the car.

Duke Farms
Duke Farms | February 2022 | Minolta XD-11 | MD ROKKOR-X 45mm F2 | Eastman Kodak Double-X 5222 400
February 2022 | Minolta XD-11 | MD ROKKOR-X 45mm F2 | Eastman Kodak Double-X 5222 400
February 2022 | Minolta XD-11 | MD ROKKOR-X 45mm F2 | Eastman Kodak Double-X 5222 400
February 2022 | Minolta XD-11 | MD ROKKOR-X 45mm F2 | Eastman Kodak Double-X 5222 400
February 2022 | Minolta XD-11 | MD ROKKOR-X 45mm F2 | Eastman Kodak Double-X 5222 400