The iPad Mini is supplement to a laptop

There are so many millions of iPad users that no simple explanation can cover all use cases. But my take, since last year, has been that the full-size iPad is best seen as an alternative to a laptop, and the iPad Mini as a supplement to a laptop.Daring Fireball: The iPad Air.

Yes! Yes! Since I got my iPad I no longer use a laptop. In fact I sold my laptop and use my iMac for "heavy lifting".

Apple and Google; Design and Web Services

Apple and Google; Design and Web Services:

Outside of sync services, Apple has other web problems. Here are a few examples:

  • Apple can’t update its online store without taking it offline first.
  • A popular Game Center game was able to bring down the entire network.
  • Apple requires you to re-friend everyone on Game Center, Find my Friends, and Shared Photostreams.
  • Notes requires an email account to sync.
  • The iTunes and App Stores are still powered by WebObjects, a mostly dead framework written almost 20 years ago.
  • iMessage for Mac lives in an alternate dimension in which time has no ordered sequence.
  • Ping.

(Via Daring Fireball)

I agree that Apple has a problem in this area. Google's web services are solid. However, I don't believe buying Twitter is the answer.