Buy the Cup Hawaiian Kona

It seems that half a pound of coffee beans is just the right amount for our household. Bhavana's on a special elimination diet for the next few weeks, so I've drunk her share. She's not allowed any caffeine, rice, grains, corn, soy, or dairy or sugar. She's eating mostly green vegetables and fruit.

This week I'm drinking Hawaii Kona from Buy the Cup. It's a lot more expensive, $35/pound, but it's good to splurge every once in a while.

Roaster: Rockaffe

Buy The Cup Papua New Guinea

I brewed the last batch of the Tanzania Peaberry on Friday so Saturday morning I picked up a half-pound of coffee from my Buy the Cup. This week ( will it last the week ) I am drinking Papua New Guinea. This was a delightful cup. I like a light roast because I think it brings out the unique flavour of each coffee. I’ve also tweaked my brewing process. I’m using a new ration of 100064 mL of water for each gram of ground coffee. I also started paying attention to water temperature. Instead of pouring boiling water over the grinds, I now wait until the water temperature is 93.3ºC (~200ºF). Today’s coffee was brewed with 46g (~1.62oz) of ground Papua New Guinea and about 758mL (~25.6 oz) of water at 93.3ºC.

Roaster: Rockaffe