Stunning Portraits from the Villages of Papua New Guinea

Stunning Portraits from the Villages of Papua New Guinea - Feature Shoot (Feature Shoot)

Joseph Kayan, a Goroka Show participant from Chimbu Province, wears boar tusks and the tail of a tree kangaroo around his neck. The design of his headdress is specific to his village: it includes bird-of-paradise feathers, with reeds to fill out the shape. His armlets hold sprigs of plants from his region. Is any place …

I think the use of word stunning is appropriate here. So beautiful.

“Photographs by Sandro”
Photography by Sandro

Rojo's Roastery Papua New Guinea kimel estate AA

Rojo's Roastery Papua New Guinea kimel estate AA. wet process var: mondo novo, blue mountain, typical, arusha, caturra, catimor

I've drunk a lot of coffee from Rojo's Roastery lately. Since I now work in the Trenton area, my commute is a little longer, I leave home a little sooner. Driving over to Rojo's Palmer Square shop is on the way so I've stopped in when I run out of coffee. Right now that seems to be the middle of the week usually on Wednesday or Thursday.

But I'll have to take some time to visit Buy the Cup this weekend. Vitali probably misses me.

Buy The Cup Papua New Guinea

I haven't posted much in the last few weeks. I've been busy helping my new client and I've had a very busy social life in the evenings. Hopefully, this weekend I can get out in the early morning and get some photos in.

Bhavna hasn't been drinking coffee so my last bag of beans lasted longer than usual. The office where I'm working has no coffee machine and the nearest coffee-house is a Dunkin Donuts. Not my favourite. But I used the last of the beans yesterday. I picked up a half-pound of Papua New Guinea from Buy the Cup this morning and brewed four cups to take to the office. Bhavana starts drinking coffee tomorrow.

Roaster: Rockaffe