
Burnout Is For Losers

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sunset in grassy field
Image CC0 by Jordan McQueen

I don't want to end up running a business that kills me. I love Realmac, now more than ever. I want to continue running a profitable business, one that provides well for its employees, and is a fun and relaxed place to work. You need to be ambitious, but not so much so that it makes you sick. Burnout is for losers.Dan Counsell

A good article from Realmac's Dan Counsell on what he's learned growing and running a business. I don't have any plans, at this time, to expand my consulting business. I certainly know I don't want to burn out. Even if it's just me.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

Sun Dance

Up until recently, I have captured the images for the 100 Day Project using my AF-S Nikkor 35 f/1.8 lens. I rented a macro lens hoping to capture some juvenile amphibians in the vernal pools during my hike in the Sourlands. I wanted to learn how to use the lens. This morning and this afternoon, I bent over a patch of crocus growing in the yard and capture some images. I found out that I might have to show at small apertures and ISO 400 and maybe use a flash. The DOF of a macro lens is very narrow, so a small aperture helps. However, smaller apertures mean less light enters the sensor. Shooting at higher ISO and using a flash helps.

This was one of my favourites from the set. You can find the rest on Flickr.