The IndieWeb isn’t a free web

Beyond my means by Laura Kalbag

When I wrote about owning and controlling my own content, I talked about trying to keep my “content” in its canonical location on my site, and then syndicating it to social networks and other sites. Doing this involves cross-posting, something that can be done manually (literally copying and pasting titles, descriptions, links etc) or through automation. Either way, it’s a real faff. Posting to my site alone is a faff.

As Aral keeps saying to me (and I reluctantly agree), we have to do these things the hard way so we can work out how to make them easier. It is the essence of what we’re trying to achieve at

I am not being defeatist when I say that these tasks are often beyond my means. Beyond my means in financial cost, ability, time, and confidence.

Valid concerns about the cost of access and affordability. I am not sure how to address these. As we've come to realize over the last two decades, privacy is the cost of free.

Author:Khürt Williams

A human who works in information security and enjoys photography, Formula 1 and craft ale.