
Dear IndieWeb, it may be time to start considering the user, not just the technical spec. by Eli MellenEli Mellen (

From my experience, error messages of the sort found across the IndieWeb are symptomatic of early-stage, in development platforms, e.g. those platforms that are still being debugged.

I think that if the IndieWeb is aiming for wide adoption it is time to start designing for the user, not the spec.

I don’t know which generation my website is, but I’ve owned a domain and hosted many websites since 2000. I discovered and added the IndieWeb technology a couple of years ago. It was a frustrating experience, but I’m appreciative of the work being done. It’s improving.

Nobody Seems to Care

Linux users are never quite sure which one is the best distribution around. They have debates in their own community with twenty different users vouching for twenty different variations. They constantly have to keep figuring out workarounds to make all their software and hardware work together. They can't just go out and buy a new accessory, assured in the knowledge that it will work. They are afraid to upgrade, lest things go wrong. ~ About Linux and Why Nobody Seems to Care - AppleMatters

To be fair, this is about desktop Linux.