Wills Eye Consultation Center

Next month I will have orbital decompression surgery to address some of the issues with my eyes that have been caused by thyroid eye disease. There is a 30% chance that the surgery could cause some double vision which means that after recovery surgery, which can take up to two weeks, I may have second surgery a few months later to correct the double vision.

Recovery could be painful, and I may have to keep my eyes covered in bandages, something that I think will be challenging for me.

Post Surgery Update

Thyroid surgery was successful. My neck is still sore and I was on painkillers until Friday but I think I may be back to work by Wednesday.

Thyroid surgery was successful. I was scheduled for surgery on the 17th Monday at 7:30 AM. The surgeons were concerned about my elevated heart rate and body temperature.

My surgery was pushed back while the surgeons conferred. I was moved to a monitoring room to monitor my temperature, pulse, and blood pressure. I put on beta-blockers to reduce my heart rate. I woke up in the recovery room.

My heart rate was still elevated, and my surgeon had me stay in the hospital for 48 hours for observation. My neck and throat area were in intense pain, and my throat hurt. It isn't easy to swallow solid food. My meals are soups and smoothies. But I am recovering quickly. I came home on Wednesday afternoon.

My neck is still sore, and I was on painkillers until Friday, but I may return to work by Wednesday. I'm allowed to drive once I can quickly turn my head, so I will most likely telecommute.

Update: I lost 20lbs in those two weeks. My clothes don't fit.

Life has its trying moments.