New Nessus Version available (

Renaud Deraison, the author of the popular open source security scanner, has announced the release of Nessus 2.0.10. This will be the last release of Nessus 2.0 as Renaud and others are working on the Nessus 2.1. This release fixes several problems with false positive and path detection and better service fingerprinting (I wonder if they could use NMAP for this).
Some new features are:

Service version fingerprinting
WWW fingerprinting
IP addresses are now sorted in EVERY report
Automagically rewrite banners to handle distributions which do back-porting of security fixes (ie: Debian)
Non-intrusive OS-fingerprinting (based on xprobe's techniques)
DNS fingerprinting

Princeton Open Source Security Experts

I started a local cyber security user group, Princeton Open Source Security Experts, with friends and work colleagues.

Princeton Open Source Security Experts is a user group dedicated to information technology security professionals interested in the open source movement. The first meeting was held on February 26, 2004, at the Good Time Charleys in Kingston, NJ. At this meeting, I gave a presentation on Nessus, entitled "Introduction to Nessus".