Columbus Day at Rock Brook

The New Jersey state offices are closed for Columbus Day. I consult for the New Jersey Courts so I a holiday as well. After helping out my wife's office with some networking issues, I drove up to one of my favourite spots in Skillman. I parked at the Rock Brook along Hollow Road. I brought only my iPhone and my tripod. I have a smartphone holder clamped to the centre column of my tripod. I usually use it to hold my iPhone when I am doing long-exposures using the Trigger Trap app and dongle. But it also works nicely to keep my iPhone so that I can use as the primary camera. That's what I did. All the images below were captured on my iPhone 6 with either the native camera app, vividHDR or Slow Shutter. I imported the TIFF images to Adobe Lightroom, applied profile correction, and a Hazy Pop matte filter.

Apple iPhone 6

I was surprised by the number of leaves on the ground. The trees were still mostly green, and the air temperature was moderate, so I was surprised that many leaves had fallen from the trees. The leaves were soft, not crunchy as I had expected from how brown they were.

It was quiet as I made my way down to the water.

Apple iPhone 6

As I approached the edge of the brook, leaves and trees gave way to the multitude of rocks that provide the brook its name. There were few leaves on the ground here. Mostly grass that found a way to thrive between the stones. I could hear the water flowing nearby.

Apple iPhone 6

I imagined that in a few weeks as the cooler air and dwindling sunlight causes more leaves to change colours and fall, the rock bed will be covered in orange and red.

Apple iPhone 6

While I set up the tripod near the "falls", I saw a few frogs hopping around. This one decided to keep me company. I very carefully set the tripod up so that I could get a close. I wish I had one of those Moment zoom lenses for the iPod. It took a few tries before the frogs were comfortable with my presence and sat still long enough for me to grab a few shots.

Apple iPhone 6
Apple iPhone | Apple iPhone 6 back camera 4.15mm f/2.2 | ISO32

The "falls" is just a stack of large boulders that have formed a natural dam in the brook. The water pours over the rock, and I shot these images using the Slow Shutter app to give the water that silky smooth look you get when shooting long exposures on a DSLR.

Apple iPhone | Apple iPhone 6 back camera 4.15mm f/2.2 | ISO32
Apple iPhone | Apple iPhone 6 back camera 4.15mm f/2.2 | ISO32

While the Slow Shutter Cam captured the "falls" I looked around. I noticed this stack of rocks. I guess someone was down there before me and decided to add some artwork. I like it.

Apple iPhone 6

Sylvan Lake

As Shaan and drove away from the high school after band class, I decided to drive through Skillman Park. I didn't intend on stopping. I just wanted a more scenic route back home. But as I slowly drove through the park I saw the sunset and had to stop. We walked toward Sylvan Lake. We were both amazed at how much the area had been transformed.

The image was shot on my iPhone 6 with the native camera, with some editing (brightness, highlight, shadows, contrast, exposure, etc.) in Afterlight and Adobe Lightroom.

2015 Montgomery Township United States Independence Day Fireworks

We have no plans for the 4th, but we always attend the United States Independence Day Fireworks at the Montgomery High School. They are often well attended and are funded independently of the township. We've been doing it since the kids were in kindergarten (and before I knew how to use a DSLR).

Like every year in the past, there was fun for the family on the front lawn of Montgomery High School in Skillman on July 1st! Starting at 6 pm there were games and vendors including grilled foods ( I had a kielbasa on a stick), drinks (non-alcoholic), and the ever-popular kettle corn (we bought two jumbo bags). We got there early, found a great picnic spot under the stars, enjoyed the sounds of the local band, “Pi Fight”. After walking around, bumping into and chatting with other township residents, friends and family we stood for a heartfelt rendition of the Star Spangled Banner at dusk. Then it was time for a fabulous display of fireworks.

My mom enjoying the experience.

My mom was visiting from the Caribbean and enjoyed hanging out with me and my extended family.

Shaan hanging out with a high school friend.
The Flag