
Most of the tomato growing season has been mostly wet. It's rained often with only a few days of sunshine here and there. Even when it didn't rain, the sky was cloudy. I was concerned that my tomato plants weren't getting enough sun for growth.

Finally, over the past week, we've had more sunny weather, and the plants have had a chance to grown and produce blossoms. Some of that blossom have produced fruit. They are still green, but I have hope that we'll soon have some delicious red fruit to eat.

Using the lens baby is a challenge. The lens baby does not have any electronics that can communicate with the CPU in the D5100. Everything has to be done manually. I chose f/4 because I thought it would allow for a balance of depth of field and exposure. I set my D5100 to manual mode and used a light-meter to set the shutter speed.

green tomato
Green tomato macro | Saturday July 20, 2013 | Nikon D5100 | 75 mm | f/4.0 | ISO 100

The 10+ macro lens allowed me to shoot up close to the subject. However, shooting that close meant that the subject's very slight movements caused things to go out of focus quite easily. I didn't think I would have the patience for this. I tried using a lens baby a few years ago but quickly gave up in frustration. Perhaps my photography skills just weren't up for the challenge at that time.

Tomato blossom
Tomato blossom | Saturday July 20, 2013 | Nikon D5100 | 75 mm | f/4.0 | ISO 100


Every year since my daughter was a toddler I've planted tomatoes. She absolutely loves the fruit which she called “tumtums” because she couldn’t pronounce the word. Each year I plant something different but her favourite is the honey cherry tomatoes. I just love the look on her face as she stuffs her mouth full of red juicy ripe fruit.

I was a little nervous about our crop this year. I started seeding a little late and I made the mistake of planting directly into the planting bed instead of seeding inside in small pots. As you can see nature has been quite forgiving and our tomato plants are showing signs of a bountiful summer crop. We have about eight plants so I’m sure we'll have enough to share.

Happy Cinco de Mayo

We went to see the Avengers today in the morning. The action was intense, and the dialogue witty. Ensure to stay until after the second set of credits for a surprise. After the movie, we went to Five Guys for lunch. We were starving and I ate too much. When leaving the restaurant, I was approached by an attractive young woman who offered me some dulce de leche and told me about the specials the new Mexican Mariachi Grill had to offer. She reminded me that it was Cinco de Mayo, and they had many specials.

Last year, I created a small garden box on my front balcony where I planned oregano, chives, Cuban “ mojito” mint. The wonderful thing about all three is that they are hardy perennials - especially the mint - and will return each year. While the mojito is Cuban, I don’t like Tequila - Bhavana does, though - so I made something with the materials I had.