iPod Touch Remote Control

I don't have an Apple TV or iPhone but I discovered that I could do this from my iPod Touch to control iTunes on my G4 Mac mini (which is connected via HDMI to my HD TV). I use it to watch TV shows ( Avatar: The Last Airbender ) from my couch.

Any time you need to type on Apple TV, if you have the Remote app open on your iPhone, the keyboard will appear and you can just type on your iPhone instead.

(Via -Daring Fireball: Distant and Remote.)

Macs and nerds and switchers

“Windows lost a huge chunk of the nerd market. Nerd switchers, in and of themselves, don’t constitute a significant enough number of people to account for anything other than a tiny blip in Apple’s Mac sales. But nerds are the people who recommend computers to friends and families; it seems inarguable that there are an awful lot of nerds recommending Macs today who weren’t five years ago.”

I am one of those nerds who tried a Mac in 2005 and bought another in 2006 and so far I have convinced two family members and one friend to purchase a Mac.

(Via Daring Fireball.)

(via Island in the Net)