Paddle Bar

When I returned to Hotel Kilbourne from Mr Smith’s Coffeehouse, Bhavna was still asleep. She’s generally not an early riser. She always complains about missing the sunrise, and I always explain that in most parts of the world, the sun rises before 10 AM. I sat on the edge of the bed, eating my bacon, egg and cheese croissant sandwich, drinking coffee and exploring Sandusky via Google Maps.

Paddle Bar
Paddle Bar * 2 September 2022 * FujiFilm X-T3 * XF27mmF2.8 R WR

The food truck we had seen the night before at the Jackson Pier Music concert was parked outside the store, next to a mural of a VW bus.

When Bhavna awoke, she made haste of her breakfast and coffee, and soon we were outdoors, exploring the streets. We walked east on Water Street toward the colourful mural I had seen earlier. A mural decorates the side wall to Paddle & Climb. The entrance to Paddle & Climb is just past Facer Park on Water Street. According to Google Maps, Paddle & Climb is an outdoor sports store focused on selling goods for the outdoor lifestyle. That means Patagonia and Prana clothing and other stuff for surfers, rock climbers, and skateboarders.

Paddle Bar
Paddle Bar * 2 September 2022 * FujiFilm X-T3 * XF27mmF2.8 R WR

The part of the mural with the word Sandusky has a raised patio with turquoise-coloured tables and chairs. A quick look around Google Maps with Street View revealed that the mural was painted sometime after 2019, and the raised deck were not present. Google Maps shows this location as Paddle Bar, a bar inside the rear of Paddle & Climb. It was too early for us to go in, but from what I read on their website, the bar sometimes has live music, and patrons enjoy watching the patio sunset. I regret that we didn’t make time to check it out.

Underwater garden aquarium update

Old skills and knowledge must be relearned.

I lost the entire set of aquarium plants due to "melt". It was my fault. I ordered some plants, and I was impatient put all the plants in at once. This overloaded the ecosystem, and the plants collapsed and started to rot. I managed to save the betta and the frogbit (Limnobium laevigatum), the only surviving plants.

I then bought a Nerite snail to keep algae at bay. It’s cheaper than an algae diffuser, and the snail is pretty. But I killed him too.

So I started over. I cleaned the tank, did a 60% water change, waited a few weeks and replanted it with Java moss and Anubias nana petite. I used aquarium string to tie the rheophyte rhizomes and moss in place. Things look good so far.

I do weekly water changes and use Seachem Flourish Excel (extra carbon) and Seachem Flourish Advance to help the plants.

A new snail will arrive in a few weeks.

11 September 2022 * Apple iPhone 11 Pro back triple camera 4.25mm f/1.8
11 September 2022 * Apple iPhone 11 Pro back triple camera 4.25mm f/1.8
11 September 2022 * Apple iPhone 11 Pro back triple camera 4.25mm f/1.8
11 September 2022 * Apple iPhone 11 Pro back triple camera 4.25mm f/1.8
11 September 2022 * Apple iPhone 11 Pro back triple camera 4.25mm f/1.8
11 September 2022 * Apple iPhone 11 Pro back triple camera 4.25mm f/1.8


I have a bad case of GAS which I can't seem to shake. I use my two 35mm film cameras regularly, but I want to try a point-n-soot like the Olympus Trip 35 or Canonet QL17 GII. But in 2020, I fell in love with what James Tocchio wrote about the Minolta CLE and M-Rokkor 40mm F/2 lens.

I have a lot of questions swirling around my head. Should (I don't like shoulds) I ignore my budget and buy what will be a costly camera and lens? Or should I sell off all my other Minolta gear and put the cash toward the new kit? Or be happy with what I have?

The Minolta M Rokkor 40mm F2 is a very popular lens. They are selling on eBay for more than $380. It’s the only 40mm lens that Minolta has ever made, and I love the field of view of the 40mm focal length. The CLE can rarely be found on eBay for less than $700. A working body and lens combination can sell on eBay for upwards of US$1699.

I think that it’s ridiculous that an old used 35mm film camera can sell on eBay for money than a brand new top-of-the-line camera from Sony or Nikon.

But I want one.