The Ability to Fake Voice and Video is About to Change Everything

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This sort of artificial intelligence would redefine the term “Artificial Reality”.

Imagine that your enemy take a video or photo of you and manipulates it so that you are seen sexually molesting a minor and emails it (anonymously of course) to your friends, family, the police. Ugh!

I don’t know which is worse, being accused of a horfific act you didn’t commit, or not being able to prove that a crime did happen.

We are living in interesting times with more interesting times to come.

Have you seen the episode of Netflix’s “Men Against Fire”?

Is Your CISO a Jedi Warrior, an Admiral or a Diplomat?

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Christophe Veltsos has some fun with the various style of information security leadership using Star Wars character types.

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Christophe Veltsos has some fun explaining the various style of information security leadership using Star Wars character types. At the risk of tooting my own horn, I think, based on my experience and current work, I would be an Diplomat/Ambassador CISO.

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash