Orange Habenero Marmalade

After dinner, last night Bhavna and I dropped in to pick up some spices from [Savory Spice Shop] on Spring Street. Bhavna and Shaan love using the spices from Savory. Bhavna compares it to going shoe shopping. You can never get enough. We chatted for a bit with owners Jon & Janet Hauge about kids, local restaurants and Trinidadian Scorpion Peppers -- Jon gave us one to take home and try out.

[Savory Spice Shop] on Spring Street:

Bhavna saw the Orange Habañero Marmalade on the shelf and pointed it out to me. We have fallen in love with a Jalapeño jelly we had while on vacation in Virginia Beach, Virginia last year. I bought a bottle of Big Bad Dad's hoping it would be as good as the one we had in Virginia. It was much better.

Orange Habenero Marmalade | Sunday 2 February, 2014 | Nikon D5100 | 35 mm f/1.8 | f/4.5 | ISO 100

I woke up early as usual and while performing my morning coffee ritual I saw the bottle sitting on the kitchen table with the morning sun reflecting off the jar. I immediately knew what I wanted for breakfast. Marmalade and toast. And I knew I had a photo opportunity.

I grabbed my camera and tripod and a white kitchen towel and prepared the staging area while I toasted my bread and heated water for the French Press. I've read a lot of article on food photography. I'm learning how to light food but more importantly how to stage the food. There is a lot to learn but I know I can get better with practice. My light source was the sun coming through the kitchen window and I used my Nikkor 35mm f/1.8 and Nikon D5100 on the Manfrotto tripod. I shot at f/4.5. You can see the equipment setup on Flickr.

Orange Habenero Marmalade | Sunday 2 February, 2014 | Nikon D5100 | 35 mm f/1.8 | f/4.5 | ISO 100


The single most important skill you can develop is clarity in your communication.

When you decide to put your words down – to get them out of your head – you’re making an effort to take the mess inside and turn it into something neater on the outside. Something people can understand.

This is the skill that every single person out there needs – the need to learn to be more clear in their communication. Writing regularly helps.Chris Lema

That's why my blog is an "inchoate stream".