Google is a ruthless competitor

The gist of my argument is that Google is a ruthless competitor that enters existing markets, upends them, and isolates itself with a seemingly unquenchable desire to dominate every single market in consumer online services; yet, hypocritically, its leadership describes Google as just wanting to get along, that Google is institutionally a nice company, and that they succeed by “building great things that don’t exist”, whereas what they actually do is build free versions of things that already exist and make money selling ads.John Gruber

That's how I see it. Google's "Don't Be Evil" slogan has become meaningless. I think the company started acting this way when it felt it's core market threatened. Mobile -- not just the iPhone -- was a threat to search and so they had to launch Android lest they be rendered irrelevant. Facebook users were voluntarily providing more relevant data for advertisers than search and Gmail so Google+ was created.

Tying together all the Google properties is an attempt to keep inside a different form of "walled garden". Now Google can track you more easily. They own almost all the major ad networks. They have most of the search traffic. I think they have most of the email accounts in active use. YouTube tracks your viewing habits -- even if you are viewing that video on another site ( presumably with Google ads ). And finally Google+ gets you chatting with people sharing links from web sites that most like have Google Analytics tracking code.

Buy the Cup Town Bully

Bhavna's elimination diet has ended and she is slowly re-introducing certain foods. Last Sunday she started drinking coffee again. Since this was sort of a treat she got to choose the coffee we've been drinking this week; Buy the Cup Town Bully. Town Bully has a bold flavour without being bitter (like that rubbish from Starbucks). Town Bully is a blend of two other coffees. While I tend to be a purest and prefer single-origin coffee, Bhavna prefers blends. Maybe that's why she married me ( the West African, Portuguese, French, Scottish, Native American ) and I married her ( the Gujurati Brahmin ).

Roaster: Rockaffe

Video isn't interesting ... enough

>The way I see it, Video apps were created only to claim victory over a market that doesn’t really fix any problems or have a willing audience to begin with. It’s like trying to bring back the Twinkie, snack cake bakeries thought that the public wanted it because there was so much talk about how much people would miss them but when they start to come back onto he market, no one really cares.[fiftyfootshadows](

I didn't care for it when Flickr added it way back when. I don't get Vine. I don't want video in my Instagram stream. Don't get me wrong. I love video. I'm a big movie watcher. I have a Netflix streaming account and an Apple TV. I even love well produced commercials.

But ... I just can't understand why anyone would want to share a few seconds of meaningless crap.