There is a young America and there is an old America, and they don’t form a community of interest. One takes from the other. The federal government spends $480 billion on Medicare and $68 billion on education. Prescription drugs: $62 billion. Head Start: $8 billion. Across the board, the money flows not to helping the young grow up, but helping the old die comfortably. According to a 2009 Brookings Institution study, “The United States spends 2.4 times as much on the elderly as on children, measured on a per capita basis, with the ratio rising to 7 to 1 if looking just at the federal budget.

The War Against Youth” (via climateadaptation)

After reading this, I am concerned about my future and the future of my kids.

2012–04-04 17:59

When I posted my Instagram comparison shots earlier, people bitched that it wasn’t the same scene, so it wasn’t a fair comparison. Fair enough. John Gruber took the exact same shot with an iPhone 4S and a Galaxy Nexus — using the same filter. The results once again speak for themselves. While it looks like the Galaxy Nexus has shit on the lens. The reality is that it’s just a shittier lens. parislemon: Camera 1/Camera 2