Daring Fireball: Exchange Exchange

My employer has never paid the Microsoft tax.  Our email systems are based open standards technologies (IMAP and SMTP).  We have a handful of email servers that support over 40,000 users with zero downtime.

Daring Fireball: Exchange ExchangeThe pressure isn’t going to be on Apple to license proprietary technology from RIM or Microsoft. The pressure is going to be on IT departments to support open standards like IMAP, which the iPhone supports.

Neurotic Nomad switches from Linux to Mac and find it therapeutic

This last sentence sums it up for me.  I am reminded of my early days in computing writing games for my Commodore 64 using BASIC.

Blogs.UnixFu.Net » Blog Archive » Switched from Linux to Mac

There is a fundamental shift in tinkering/playing on the Mac versus Linux, you tinker/play to get things done, not to get things to work (for the most part). Sure it isn’t true all the time, yet there is enough of a shift where you can just focus on getting things done and being productive.