Skeptics discount science by casting doubts on scientist expertise

“The cultural cognition thesis predicts that individuals will more readily recall instances of experts taking the position that is consistent with their cultural predisposition than ones taking positions inconsistent with it,” the paper suggests.

People seek out evidence to support their existing beliefs and discount evidence contrary to those beliefs.

Let there be Light!

Many improbable occurrences conspired to create Earth’s human-friendly design, and they would indeed be puzzling if ours were the only solar system in the universe. But today we know of hundreds of other solar systems, and few doubt that there exist countless more among the billions of stars in our galaxy. Planets of all sorts exist, and obviously, when the beings on a planet that supports life examine the world around them, they are bound to find that their environment satisfies the conditions they require to exist.

Stephen Hawking on science and religion

Computing in the Cloud

Attending a workshop hosted by the Center for Information Technology Policy at Princeton University entitled Computing in the Cloud sponsored by Microsoft.

Workshop: Computing in the Cloud
Monday and Tuesday January 14-15

Sponsored by Microsoft

Location: Friend Center convocation room, Princeton University campus

“Computing in the cloud” is one name for services that run in a Web browser and store information in a provider’s data center — ranging from adaptations of familiar tools such as email and personal finance to new offerings such as virtual worlds and social networks. This workshop will bring together experts from computer science, law, politics and industry to explore the social and policy implications of this trend.