Halloween Joke

So, to recap: by Daniel Goldsmith (ascraeus.org)

So, to recap:



The new iPad Pro can charge your iPhone, but neither device comes with a cable to do so.


To use headphones with the iPad, you’ll need a completely different connector to the one you have on your iPhone.


Is this some sort of Halloween Joke?

It certainly feels like a joke.

At Home on the Mac

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As the title suggests, the Mac still feels more comfortable for almost everything. The Mac feels less innovative and "fun" but I actually feel more relaxed when using multiple windows, real keyboard shortcuts, and a true file manager. The irony here is that the size and design of the iPad makes it more of a joy to use, but it's also tainted by inefficiency. I do almost every task faster and more easily with my Mac than I can do it on my iPad Pro.

That paragraph sums up my experience. I’ve used the iPad since 2010. I’ve had the Mac since 2006. I like both. But I’m more productive on a Mac.