No more Facebook updates

As of August 1, 2018 I am no longer be able to share to Facebook directly from my website. The Facebook API will no longer allow automated posts to personal Facebook profiles. Normal people’s automated updates is what they’re clamping down on. Fake news, angry speech, cyber bullying, ads with computer viruses, and inflammatory content are all still allowed.

Updates from my website will no longer appear on my Facebook profile. So if you would like to stay up to date with my photography on Facebook, I have set up a page where it will still be possible for the website updates to be published to Facebook.

Follow Khürt Williams Photography on Facebook.

Follow Island in the Net.

Or ... add a browser bookmark for my website and visit every once in a while.

RIP Facebook for Bridgy by Ryan BarrettRyan Barrett (

As planned, Facebook turned off some of its key APIs for posting and fetching data on Wednesday, and I disabled Facebook for Bridgy entirely.

It’s a sad day. Facebook was the single biggest reason I came up with Bridgy way back in 2011. I’ve always wanted to own my data online, on my own web site, but my friends and family generally used social networks like Facebook instead. I didn’t care too much about dogma or evangelizing, but I still wanted to connect with them wherever they were, and if they were online, more often than not they were on Facebook.

They’ve become separate worlds again.

The “Great Facebook” Disconnect.

Sharing to Facebook from Lightroom Classic and Lightroom CC Discontinued by Laura Shoe

What you may have heard is true – as of August 1, 2018 you’ll no longer be able to share to Facebook from Lightroom Classic (or from earlier versions, such as Lightroom 6) or from the cloud-based Lightroom CC desktop application. Facebook will no longer allow desktop applications to post to Facebook (using its API anyway, which is how Lightroom has done it.)’s developer, Ryan Barrett removed Facebook support from the WordPress plugin several months ago. Earlier this week Automattic removed the ability of the Publicize feature of JetPack and to publish to personal Facebook profiles. And now Adobe is doing the same for Adobe Lightroom.

I won't miss it. My use of Facebook has dropped off considerably over the last few months. I have also realized that I don't care about publishing links to my blog content to Facebook or Twitter or Google+. I just don't care that much anymore.