Selective enthusiasm

... from what I can see, a large part of today’s technological buzz is what I call gadgetry and a lot of what I read about it is bathed in self-indulgence and navel-gazing. A lot of people in the tech world look mesmerised by all these digital toys and it seems that all they’re interested in are newer, cooler toys to keep playing with...

My enthusiasm is all for new discoveries and technological advances that really make things advance, that really make me feel there’s true progress.Riccardo Mori

I've only recently discovered Riccardo's writing through another contact. I like the way he writes. His articles are thoughful and well articulated.

I understand what he's talking about. Six years ago I would say that I was definitely one of these over-enthusiastic geeks. Everything that Google or Apple did -- no matter insignificant in the grand scheme of things -- was received with glee. But I started to change when I found it harder to explain my excitement to my non-geek family, friends and co-workers. They started to aks questions like "How is that useful?" or "Why do I need that?". I started to realise I had no answer.

Apple’s Most Over-Looked Innovation

Harry C. Marks writing in Techpinions.

People can (wrongly) lament the lack of innovation in Apple’s products all they want. They can cry about how their Retina iPad minis don’t have TouchID, or how their iPad Airs are still too heavy to hold in one hand, but they need to check their priorities. When their tablets and phones and computers break, there is a company behind them to fix them. There are real people to talk to in-person who can hopefully come to some consensus about how to solve these problems. Customers don’t have to wait for return postage in the mail, they don’t have to hope their devices make it back to the repair facilities once they mail them out, and if the problems are easy to fix, they can most likely have the services performed on-site while they wait–or have the device swapped out for a new one entirely.