52 Week Smartphone Challenge: Week 11: Fill the Frame

I am one week late with my response to the 52 Week Smartphone Challenge. The challenge was to fil the frame with one colour but between planning for getting my college-age children home safely and preparing for a full-time remote work situation and keeping up with the constantly changing rules around COVID-19, finding a photo for the challenge was a low priority.

Today I photographed parts of the door to our kitchen pantry. There was minimal thought or effort involved and minimal editing.

Amy Maranto and The Only D800 in the Hameau both photographed flowers, while Gavin Crook captured an interesting "name on bamboo" image. Check them all out.

Submitted for my 52 Week Smartphone Challenge.

52 Week Smartphone Challenge: Week 10: Hometown

It was a beautiful day, with temperatures in the teens (Celsius). Bhavna and I decided to take a hike in one of our favourite places, the Sourland Mountain Preserve. Bhavna's sister and her family joined us as my nephews were excited to get outside. The parking area near the trailhead on East Mountain Avenue was packed with cars. It seems everyone in the area had a similar want for some outdoor activity. We hiked for almost 90 minutes taking the very rocky Ridge Trail straight up to Devil's Half Acre, a collection of large boulders, just perfect for two young boys to clamber around.

Amy Maranto went for a walk as well, capturing the scene long the rive in her hometown of Cambridge, UK.

Submitted for my 52 Week Smartphone Challenge.

52 Week Smartphone Challenge: Week 9: Mood

I think the topic of mood was appropriate for this week. I had been having a challenge (politics) at the office and a challenging commute to and from New York City. I was in no mood to take photos. Plus I was feeling guilty about not submitting images for the previous weeks. However, Frank Jansen, Thief Images Photography[^1], The Only D800 in the Hameau, Magical Normal Life, and Amy Maranto, all submitted images.

Submitted for my 52 Week Smartphone Challenge.