Sunday Paper

What is the American Dream?

I would argue that democracy in the US, if it can be said to still exist, is weakened by decades corruption. It has been eroded to a thin veneer with little substance because the substance of democracy is the people. And the majority of people of the US stopped caring decades ago. Any sense of civic responsibility, of active citizenship has been eroded by decades of apathy. The truth is, America traded that responsibility for something shiny, something convenient: The American Dream. - The substance of democracy is us. To keep it we need to work for it everyday by @Denny

One developer's well meaning effort to bridge two communities has led to condemnation from both.

Bluesky is on the verge of federating its AT Protocol, meaning that anyone will be able to set up a server and make their own social network using the open source software; each individual server will be able to communicate with the others, requiring a user to have just one account across all the different social networks on the protocol. But Mastodon uses a different protocol called ActivityPub, meaning that Bluesky and Mastodon users cannot natively interact.

Turns out, some Mastodon users like it that way. - Bluesky and Mastodon users are having a fight that could shape the next generation of social media

I believe there might be some resistance. I didn't get my bike for the daily commute. The reason was my bad knees. And really, how would they even enforce such a thing? Picture this: police officers on bikes, stopping folks out for a ride? It's hard to imagine.

Serious crashes involving those modes are so relatively rare, though — the National Transportation Safety Board recorded just 119 e-bike-involved fatalities between 2017 and 2021 vs. the 192,709 caused by drivers — that advocates say the legislation would do little more than increase already-steep barriers to human-scaled mobility posed by traffic violence, while undermining the climate, equity, and safety goals that low-speed modes can help communities reach. - Why Every E-Biker Should Be Worried About NJ's Proposed Micromobility Insurance Law

Author:Khürt Williams

A human who works in information security and enjoys photography, Formula 1 and craft ale.

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