Apple Pie and Pumpkin Pie

We're not hosting Thanksgiving as we have done for the previous 20 years.

I live on the border between Montgomery, Princeton and Franklin Townships. Today, Bhavna and I picked up apple and pumpkin pies from Griggtown Farm in Franklin Township. We're not hosting Thanksgiving as we have done for the previous 20 years. We won't have a house filled with the hustle and bustle of adults and children. We won't hold hands; each taking turns to express what we are thankful for.

I know they are doing it just for me, but on Thanksgiving Day, Bhavna and the kids and I will have some pie, some ham and turkey slices from the deli, some homemade mac & cheese and dig deep down to find something, no matter how trivial, for which we are Thankful.

Submitted for the 100DaysToOffload project and #mbnov.

Author:Khürt Williams

A human who works in information security and enjoys photography, Formula 1 and craft ale.