52 Week Smartphone Challenge: Week 21: Serenity

It seems that for all participants, including myself, serenity is found in the outdoors. For the theonlyD800inthehameau is just a look over the wall of his backyard. For Amy, a walk is all she needs to find serenity. I could easily find serenity in the spaces they photographed.

Today, Bhavna, Kiran and I went for a walk around the Aunt Molly section of the St. Michael's Farm Preserve Trail in Hopewell Township which is a 15-minute drive from home. The ground was not as wet and muddy as we had expected. Bhavna marvelled at how much the vegetation had grown, changing the look and the experience of the woods. We saw many new wildflowers I had not seen before.

Submitted for my 52 Week Smartphone Challenge.

Author:Khürt Williams

A human who works in information security and enjoys photography, Formula 1 and craft ale.

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