Spider on Yellow

Spider on Yellow was created whole practicing the so-called Brenizer panorama method. I am not too happy with the results. I think the technique works best on portraits of people. Maybe I'll convince my wife or daughter to model for me.

The difficulty for me was in maintaining a stable subject distance while hand holding my Nikon. Also, the flower was moving slightly in the wind.

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Spider on Yellow
Can you find the spider?
[/fusion_builder_column][fusion_builder_column type="1_1" background_position="left top" background_color="" border_size="" border_color="" border_style="solid" spacing="yes" background_image="" background_repeat="no-repeat" padding="" margin_top="0px" margin_bottom="0px" class="" id="" animation_type="" animation_speed="0.3" animation_direction="left" hide_on_mobile="no" center_content="no" min_height="none"][exif id="23042"]

The image below is the Brenizer image I created.

A Brenizer panorama created in Photoshop using 16 images.
A Brenizer panorama created in Photoshop using 16 images.
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Wasting the day

It seems as though the state of new jersey is closed on days when all my friends are working. They are at work and I have a day to do whatever I like except spend time doing fun things with friends. Like, drive down to a lighthouse early in the morning to take photos at sunrise.

My original plan for an early morning trip to the East Point Lighthouse in Heislerville. Photographing the lighthouse has been on my to-do list all summer ever since I found a photograph on Flickr. I think the lighthouse would be great during the morning and evening golden hours. My plan was to get there about 30 minutes before the start of the golden hour, shoot for about an hour, and then go find breakfast. It would have been an interesting way to spend the morning.

Instead, I drove my son to the high school for "senior sunrise". I saw the sun come up as I drove home. I just didn't want to go if I didn't have anyone with me. Thinking about it left me in a funk.

That feeling worsened as I sat at the computer reading email and checking out social media. I felt I was wasting the day. But of course, I was. I was just sitting here when I could be "doing" … something.

Bhavna called while I was out shooting in Kingston. We had lunch at Midpoint, a newish Middle Eastern restaurant in Skillman. We had a good lunch and chatted for a short while. I'm now sitting on the couch watching cheesy science fiction.

Maybe later, I'll drive out to Clinton. I'd like some evening images of the Red Mill Museum Village. Maybe I'm wasting the day. I wish I had someone with whom I wish to share my day. I wouldn't feel like it was being wasted.