Mucking about

In my home, I  have more computing hardware than people.  The wife runs Windows on a Dell laptop.  The kids share another Windows machine.  I use 2 macs ( PowerPC and Intel ) and a Dell Windows desktop converted to run FreeNAS.  No server class hardware here.

Parallels on OS-X will run Windows 95,98,Me,XP, and Vista, Linux, FreeBSD, OS/2, Solaris, and MS-DOS so I have quite a lot I can play with.  I can also run OS-X on VMWare can be done here:

I  chose Parallel's because WMWare beta on OS-X was slow and Parallel has coherence mode which allows me to run Windows applications like they were native Mac applications. To paraphrase the site, "When a user switches to Coherence mode, their Windows desktop disappears, leaving their Windows applications running directly on their Mac desktop."

Now if only they can pull off the same for Linux..........

Right now Apple is getting my dollars and my attention because I feel they are on an upward innovation curve.  Microsoft in my opinion is on a long slow death spiral.  Linux and open source will only get better and I can't wait for that long ago promised Linux desktop.

FSF - The road to hardware free from restrictions

FSF - The road to hardware free from restrictions: How hardware vendors can help the free software community
The computer hardware market is steadily evolving towards a more standardized ecosystem based on unrestricted hardware. Already, smaller vendors are realizing increased sales by ensuring that their hardware works optimally with free software and that drivers are easy to develop and maintain. Industry leaders have already been realizing these benefits in the server market, but have yet to make the same commitment for consumer hardware.