NY Waterway Ferry Wall St/Pier 11 Terminal

It was cold this morning while I waited for the ferry to Pier 11. It was even colder waiting for the ferry to take me back to Paulus Hook after work.

It was cold this morning while I waited for the ferry to Pier 11. It was even colder waiting for the ferry to take me back to Paulus Hook. But still, I was happy the day was over and that I would soon be home with my family for dinner.

The day had started badly. First, I got stuck in a very bad rush hour traffic. I arrived at the parking deck in Jersey City, parked and realised that the NY Waterway Ferry app needed me to register a new credit card. The ferry was 45 minutes late and I felt the full effect of the cold wind blowing across the water. Brr!!!

Fresh Snow

I have a complex, somewhat contradictory relationship with Winter. A part of me genuinely cherishes the serene beauty of a snow-covered landscape, the quiet hush that falls over the neighbourhood under a blanket of white, and the cosy warmth indoors.

Yet, simultaneously, there's a sense of dread for the biting cold, the endless shovelling, and the dreariness of grey skies. Winter is a season of contrasts - it's about huddling by the fire with the iPad while dreading the next venture outside. It's a time when nature's magnificence is at its peak, yet its discomforts are equally noticeable.


Day 93 of #iPhone #365

Many years ago, my elementary school child, Shaan, came home from school with a small sapling wrapped in newspaper. For Earth Day he had learned about trees and the environment and native plants. He wanted to plant the sapling to help the environment. So we found a spot in the backyard and planted his sapling. At first, we planted it near the fence but Shaan felt that the landscapers would kill the sapling with the lawnmowers. We planted the sapling, which I later learned was sassafras, near the deck under his bedroom window. My child is now a college Junior and the sapling is now a tree that never seems to stop growing.