Kingston Branch Loop Trail of D& R Canal State Park

After my haircut this morning, despite my severe allergies, I drove just over the Princeton Township border to a spot along the Delaware and Raritan Canal. I had never been here before, but I drive past it often, whether on my way to work or out to Route 1. Sometimes I see cars parked here, and sometimes people carrying canoes.

I grabbed my Nikon, tripod and Hoya ND400 neutral density filter and followed the beaten path to the water. It was peaceful. The air was clean and crisp. I enjoyed the silence while it lasted. Through the trees, I could hear the chatter of people talking while walking or bicycling along the other side of the canal.

I could see a path carved along the canal by other humans exploring like I was. I walked a few hundred yards, set up my tripod at the very edge of the water and took a few images.

I tried using the TriggerTrap software with the Hoya ND400 to do some long-exposure HDR photography, but I could not get the software to work correctly. The TriggerTrap capture all the images at the same shutter speed. I used the auto-bracketing mode on my camera instead.

I walked a few more yards and watched the turtles basking on logs in the early morning sun.