Ning Passes 170,000 Social Networks!

Manuel Hernandez, a Community Advocate for Ning send me shout about the growth of the social network. is a platform that lets you create your own social network for anything. It has been experiencing phenomenal growth and just recently passed the 170K mark.

Manny and I became acquainted shortly after he created,, a social network for people touched by diabetes ( I have Type 1 diabetes ). TuDiabetes is among hundred of community sites created with the network system. Ning allows anyone to create a social network site for free within minutes of creating an account. It features integration with Flickr, Facebook and YouTube for members to personalize their experiences with the community. Community builders or administrators have access to powerful SEO and other analytics tools for building out and branding their network.

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Computing in the Cloud

Attending a workshop hosted by the Center for Information Technology Policy at Princeton University entitled Computing in the Cloud sponsored by Microsoft.

Workshop: Computing in the Cloud
Monday and Tuesday January 14-15

Sponsored by Microsoft

Location: Friend Center convocation room, Princeton University campus

“Computing in the cloud” is one name for services that run in a Web browser and store information in a provider’s data center — ranging from adaptations of familiar tools such as email and personal finance to new offerings such as virtual worlds and social networks. This workshop will bring together experts from computer science, law, politics and industry to explore the social and policy implications of this trend.